Thursday, August 19, 2010

Digest - Squash Bugs

Squash Bugs seem to be a major problem right now. We have had several good specimens brought into the office.

Healthy vigorous plants can out-grow some damage, but often control measures should be taken.

The above picture shows some nymph squash bugs on a squash leaf.
The little red round'ish spots are squash bug eggs.

The above picture are two adult squash bugs mating.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Caldwell Extension - Ag Digest

This is something new I'm going to try. Each day it seems like we get interesting stuff in our office. I hope to use this "Digest" as a way to document some of these interesting things we see in the office or the field. It will also help others who have similar problems/questions. Below are some of the "calls" from yesterday.
  • Lilac Borer (also known as ash borer) damage with a secondary bacterial infection. Timing is critical when controlling these insects. If you spray to early the insecticide will break down before the pest arrives and spray to late and the damage is done. Remedial treatment of borers is very, very difficult. Once the borers are in the stems, pruning is the best way to control the problem.

    If insecticidal sprays are to be used to control this insect, they should be applied when the lilac is in full bloom.

    The foamy sap oozing from the borer hole is a secondary bacterial infection. The bacteria are using the plants sap as a food source. The long term prognosis does not look good for this lilac. Cutting the lilac back and letting it re-sprout next year is the best solution. Care should be taken if the lilac has been grafted, however, this particular lilac grow from a cutting.

    More information:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Workshop - Intro to Taxonomy and Pollution Ecology of Aquatic Insects

September 15-17, 2010
Asheville, NC 28801

About the workshop: Benthic macroinvertebrate larvae (aquatic insects) play key roles in many regulatory water quality programs in North Carolina. Not only are these insects used to detect water pollution problems, but are also used to determine if streams are perennial features, and are proposed for use in stream restoration projects as success criteria. Despite the value of this group of organisms in North Carolina's regulatory programs, very little is known about these bugs. This workshop will introduce the participants to the basic ecology and taxonomy of aquatic insects. We will spend most of the time learning family level identification of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies (or EPT); however, other groups also will be discussed.

This workshop is sponsored by NCSU Water Quality Group, NC Cooperative Extension, and AB Tech

340 Victoria Rd., AB Tech
Sycamore Bldg., Rm. 209,
Asheville, NC 28801

For more information or to REGISTER ONLINE, please visit our website at:

Questions about the program may be directed to Dave Penrose at Please reply to this email with any questions regarding registration.