Thursday, July 15, 2010

Equine Piroplasmosis in North Carolina

On Tuesday, July 13th the State Veterinarian’s office was notified by the National Services Veterinary Lab (NVSL) of five (5) horses from a single location in North Carolina that had tested positive for Equine Piroplasmosis (EP) on routine testing to meet export requirements to another state. (Equine Piroplasmosis is a blood parasite of equines and is not contagious to other livestock or humans.) On Wednesday morning, Veterinary Division field personnel visited the veterinary hospital that had submitted the samples to NVSL, obtained necessary information, and visited the stable where the 5 horses were located. There were a total of 35 horses on the premises; none of the horses appeared ill in any way. All 35 horses, including the 5 that had previously been tested positive, were individually identified and blood samples taken.

The premises was quarantined by NCDA&CS, Vet Division personnel and lengthy discussions with the owners took place, providing the owners information on EP, answering whatever questions were asked, and obtaining information on the 35 horses that were at the facility that will be necessary to pursue this investigation. The 35 blood samples were sent this evening by overnight delivery to NVSL for EP testing; results should be available by the middle of next week or sooner. The event was entered into the Emergency Management Response System (EMRS), the USDA/APHIS/Veterinary Services data management system to track this situation.

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